Everyone can file a proposal for a lecture, workshop, discussion, presentation, etc. For this we use the “Call for Proposals”. If you subscribe to the newsletter, you will automatically receive a signal when the Call for proposals starts.

The Call for Proposals asks for contributions that fit in with the theme of the conference. From all the proposals we get, we make a choice to put together an interesting and varied program. We also accept special proposals without fitting within the theme. Autminds wants to offer a mix of education, debate, art / creativity, meeting and relaxation. We would therefore like to see these various accents reflected in our program. The focus is more on education and debate, because there are already various meeting options for people with autism in the Netherlands and Belgium.

How do I submit my proposal?
Download the Word document ‘Submission form Autminds‘ , fill in the form and send it via email to: sprekers@autminds.nl

Please note: only fully completed forms will be considered when choosing from the submissions.

Deadline for submitting a proposal: June 14, 2021

Every year Autminds is organised by a fixed procedure

On the Calendar page you can see what happens when. As a speaker, keep this in mind.
(Double check at the Dutch year-planning-page).

Several tips voor speakers:

  • Prepare yourself well!
  • Provide structure.
  • Speak slowly and clear. This wasy you can be followed.
  • Avoid or explain difficult words.
  • If applicable, provide definitions of key terms.
  • Support your spoken story with visual material.
  • Make copies of your presentation in advance. Make handouts of your powerpoint- or prezipresentation.
  • Let the audience know that they can view or download your presentation (or parts of it such as the Powerpoint slides), later from the Autminds website.
  • Give your email address, so people can email you later if they stil have questions. But only if you want to.
  • Keep your audience awake and active. Active working methods can help with this.

Deze FAQ bevat nog geen antwoorden voor de online versie van Autminds

c Alles uitvouwen C Alles invouwen

Wij gebruiken de ‘call for proposals’ om iedereen een kans te geven een bijdragevoorstel in te dienen. Als organisatie kennen we wel mensen die kunnen spreken, maar we kennen natuurlijk niet alle mensen met autisme in Nederland en Vlaanderen, laat staan internationaal. Door een open oproep krijgt iedere persoon met autisme de kans zijn of haar idee in te sturen. Ook degenen die niet in ons persoonlijke netwerk zitten. Door te selecteren op kwaliteit willen we ‘vriendjespolitiek’ voorkomen. Nieuwe, onbekende sprekers krijgen op deze manier een kans.

If you have questions, you can download this form: Call for proposals Autminds. Is your question not answered yet? Send an email to sprekers@autminds.nl and you will receive an answer as soon as possible..

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