Information for foreign participants
The Autminds conference is organised by and for autistics and welcomes others that have an interest in the topic and respect the way we run it: as a large group of volunteers. Inspired by Autscape, Autminds started in 2015 and we celebrate growing from a family of 50 to a somewhat larger family of 300.
On this page you will find the most important information that should help you decide whether you want to visit Autminds. In absence of a bi-lingual website you will have to rely on Google Translate primarily and inquiries to the organisers secondarily. We hope to meet you, at Autminds!
The conference language is Dutch but offer several English program elements. We will provide translations of Dutch presentations and discussions wherever possible.
The detailed time-schedule will become available in several weeks but suffices to say that we will have more than 10 programmed elements of 45 minutes each. There is a mix of lectures, workshops, exercise and recreation. In parallell there will be a forum where you can engage in chats with other participants and the speakers. We will arrange discussions rooms associated with the presentations as well as generic discussion rooms to exchange information at leisure. The overview of all program-elements etc. is given in the Programme Schedule. A description of the lectures, workshops etc in Abstracts (Google translate for the Dutch sections)
All program elements are separated by a 15 min coffee/tea break or lunch. This allows you to change rooms, have a rest and … something to drink.
Autminds starts on Saturday October 8th at 10:00hrs Amsterdam time, and will close later that day at 17:00 hrs. In the
In the week leading up to Autminds, we will arrange several training sessions so that you can familiarise yourself with the online tools we use:
- Zoom for the lectures, workshops and discussions
- Discord for the text-chats in parallell to the lectures
Tickets are very afforable.
Participants with a (self)diagnosis of autism pay € 12.50. Select the ticket “deelnemer mèt”
Participants without a (self)diagnosis of autism pay € 15,=. Select the ticket “deelnemer zònder”
For the online version of Autscape: we welcome other persons sharing the household for a € 5,= donation. Select the ticket “meekijkende huisgenoten” in addition to the above tickets.
Participants with the lowest income (social benefits) receive a 50% discount and pay € 6,25. Select the ticket “Vriendenkaart kopen”
Tickets are sold through the TicketMaster website (in Dutch). Paymet by CreditCard and PayPal is also accepted. Service charges for tickets are typically € 2 – € 3 (Vriendenkaart is free of service charge)
You are welcome to donate to the fund from which we can sell lowest income tickets. By buying a ‘Vriendenkaart schenken” you donate the the missing 50% of their ticket and replenish our fund. Select the ticket “Vriendenkaart schenken” in addition to your regular ticket.
We strive to make Autminds as accessible as reasonably practicable.
Language: the main conference language is Dutch but expect that most organisers and participants have a fair command of the English language and some of German or French. We will attempt to provide translations of Dutch materials into English. We will provide a translation bot for an automatic translation from Dutch to English (and vice versa) for the Discord channels associated with an English speaking presentation. This should nd for spoken word during the presentations.
Visual limitations: we didn’t have to arrange anything on earlier Autminds but feel free to contact us if you can think of something you need.
Auditory limitations: we didn’t have to arrange anything on earlier Autminds, but feel free to contact us if you can think of something you need.
The conference program has a slot for so-called special interest groups. These are discussions organised by Autminds participants themselves around themes they have proposed. We will make available several class rooms for such groups.
Everybody can propose a special interest topic (1 per person) and is expected to start the discussion in such a group. We will collect the topics and post them on a white board in the morning, allowing all participants to indicate their interest. The topics with the largest interests will be awarded with a class-room.
Would you rather not go to Autminds on your own, do you prefer to see at least some familiar faces during the day?
Then sign up for a starting group. On the day of the congress, at 9:30 am, the participants of a starting group meet in the “living room”, a separate room. You can get to know each other before the conference starts under the supervision of someone who has been to Autminds before. Then you can choose whether you meet every break or just see how it goes. Sign up at if you want to participate in a starting group. Make sure you are at 9:15 at the registration desk: participants in the starting groups have priority when registering and are picked up at the registration desk