
I have been an autism advocate and public speaker for the past five years.  My work as an autism trainer has meant that I have worked together with various large charities and organisations within the past two and a half years. My experiences of meeting a wide range of people within and outside of the autism community and my passion to help people and make a difference are both contributions I am bringing to our partnership.

I strongly believe that any individual should be given the tools to allow them to be as independent as possible. It’s easy to become dependent on outside help, yet that dependency blocks such an empowering moment in a person’s life; that moment when you realise you’re independent and you no longer need a specified service. That will be reflected in the presentation of Monique Post and me.

My biggest inspirations are the people I’ve met; the young people and adults that struggle for a decent quality of life because society doesn’t understand them. I have also met people who have achieved remarkable things and they inspire me to ensure everyone with autism has the best possible chance to be a person they’re proud of and to fulfil their potential.


InAwe (International Autism Wales Education Limited)


