22-10-2016Photos Autminds 2016 by Ivo Ketelaar
22-10-2016First impressions from visitors
First reactions of Autminds 2016 visitors:
“Thanks a million for all the efforts to create a beautiful day on Saturday. All five lectures were worth it and would have loved to add two more days to hear them all. I hope I will have the opportunity again next year. The presentations provided a nice image of the versatility of autism. Vulnerabilities were shown, problems but also the powerful side, the believe in oneself, dedication and devotion and the peculiarity of each person.”
“The quality of certain presentations fell short.”
“Hats off to the speakers!”
“Well organised. Much effort was put in place to accomodate the visitor’s autism.”
“Announce the event to medical organisations, UWV’s (employee insurance agency), psychologist’s organisations, etc.”
“People without autism are welcome as long as they are a minority and as long as they are not present to make money from the situation.”
“I am very happy to have been present, worth the trip from far away Belgium ;)”